Xème Championnat de France par étape 1994
Date |
February 5, 1994 - January 22, 1995 |
Place |
France |
Tournament Director
Scoring System |
Number of players | 120 |
Number of rounds | ? |
Number of boards | ? |
General classification |
Awards' ranking |
Best countries award |
Classification by Team |
Detail of each board |
History of the tournament |
Statistics of the boards |
Statistics |
05-06/02/1994 -> Grand Prix de Reims
26-27/02/1994 -> Grand Prix de Namur
09-10/04/1994 -> Grand Prix d'Aix-en-Provence
14-15/05/1994 -> Grand Prix de Caen
11-12/06/1994 -> Grand Prix de Bordeaux
11-13/11/1994 -> Grand Prix de Paris
21-22/01/1995 -> Finale (Vincennes) |